

The Tyne

The Tyne
Originally uploaded by teotwawki.
I've just seen a short preview scene purportedly from the new David Lynch film Inland Empire, and it rates along with Lost Highway for oddness (disturbing disruptions of time, space and causality, for example.)

Unfortunately, it's also geniuinely poorly shot, so I hope it isn't representative of the majority of the film. It's not irredeemably bad and it improves towards the end, but the first part of the scene is execrable.

If, as seems possible, Lynch has radically altered his working methods - and I think it's probably more a practical issue than the difference in visual qualities between film and digital video - eliminating processes that were important in creating the visually involving and unsettling aspects of his films, Inland Empire isn't going to work. And after so long without a new David Lynch film, that would be an enormous disappointment.

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