


Originally uploaded by teotwawki.
I bought a new camera on ebay a few days ago - a Canon 300V film SLR - to replace the Minolta, which is next to useless as it has no manual settings (it's still possible to modify the aperture on the lens, of course, but that's it.)

The Canon will be great for the Tale of Two Cities project, where two photographers from different parts of the world swap films to produce a double exposure collaboration.

I've just finished my first roll (on the Minolta), and it's going to be on its way to Bristol before the end of the week.

Today's photo: a building - no idea what it's being used for* - on the corner of Wandsworth Road in Heaton.

* Duality and Detailista on Flickr tell me that this is a gay sauna. I am apparently the only person in Newcastle who didn't know that.

Note about comments: I've only recently noticed that comments have been turned off. I hadn't meant to do that, and they're now back. I appreciate it very much when visitors comment, so please do leave me a message if you're so inclined.

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