


Originally uploaded by teotwawki.
A bashed up sign in an alleyway off King's Walk. It was hit by a lorry after some portakabins were moved last week, and is now bent through 90 degrees.

On the subject of bad driving: walking into work last week, I was waiting at a pedestrian crossing for the green man. After the lights had changed and as I was crossing, the front most driver beeped her horn aggressively, so I pointed at the green man in an a slightly more emphatic manner than was necessary, as an alternative to giving her what the French refer to as the 'bras d'honneur' - that's the one where you raise your right arm in a fist in front of you at the same time as bringing the left down and across the inside of the elbow.

With the day already off to a bad start, she decided to try to drive over the crossing anyway, almost running over the man directly behind me. He was a little more direct in his approach, and for all I know he may still be there pounding on the bonnet of the car and swearing at her.

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