

Lost Glove

Lost Glove
Originally uploaded by teotwawki.
Someone's going to have one cold hand.

Although the L'espion has a 'high resolution' setting, it produces images at a maximum size of a mere 288 x 352 (the 'low resolution' setting is half that size).

When I blog any L'espion photos via Flickr, they are automatically resized to 196 x 240. If you want to see the images 47% or so bigger, you can click them, go to Flickr and then choose to see them in the original size.

If that's not enough magnification to warrant the trip to Flickr, all of the Canon A200 images (usually posted every Friday) are uploaded in 1200 x 1600 format.

This means that Blake, for example, can be seen a magnificent 567% larger than it appears on Espion Daily.

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